On March 8th, I joined Wildredo Villalobos, Robert Dean, Andrew Vallely, and Jesse Lopez Herra for an exciting day of pelagic birding in the Pacific Ocean. Departing from Cabuya at the southern tip of Costa Rica’s Nicoya Penninsula, we went approximately 50km offshore, spending the majority of the day surrounded by hundreds of Spinner Dolphins.
In addition to common species such as Laughing Gull, Royal Tern, and Black Tern, we saw Brown Noddy and all three species of jaegers: Pomarine Jaeger (including several dark morph individuals), Parasitic Jaeger, and Long-tailed Jaeger!
We saw hundreds of Pink-footed Shearwater and Wedge-tailed Shearwater (including several dark morph individuals) but only several of the usually much more common Galapagos Shearwater. There were also several Black Storm-Petrel.
In addition to multitudes of Brown Booby, we also saw Red-footed Booby, Masked Booby, and Nazca Booby.
eBird Checklists